Saturday, August 28, 2010

Tuna time!!!! Martial Arts...The Art, The Defense and The Sport of it all

As I sit on the job this weekend I have decided to speak a little about the fascinating world that is Martial Arts. We all know Martial Arts is ancient fighting styles and systems that have helped many protect themselves, gain fame and status, and even get into shape. I intend to break down the Martial Arts into 3 areas, 1.The Art (The Forms/Katas, the sequences scene in film and television) 2.The Defense (Protection for personal safety) 3.The Sport (Boxing, Kickboxing, Karate/Tae Kwon Do, wrestling, Judo/JIu Jitsu, and Mixed Martial Arts).

Let us begin with the "Art" of Martial Arts. We see it all the time in theatre sequences of a fight broken down to entertain and promote martial arts. Several styles and systems have what are known as Katas/Forms depending on the origin of the system. These forms are used to perfect ones skill and string along attacks into combinations Can these forms be effective in a fight, possibly but nothing ever goes according to a plan in a fight. Are These forms entertaining and fun to watch? Yes, when perfected they are amazing and beautiful.

The Defense part probably the most important part of The Way, Defending yourself, your family, and your freedom and rights. Defense is the part of martial arts that work and are practical most often nothing fancy, Eye gouges, hair pulling, biting, groin shots, scratching, disarmorment. When I think of defense one person above all the rest comes to mind. Bruce Lee, Bruce developed a philosophy that combined all real life practical elements of the martial arts, Basically taking what works from all systems and combing them together, this Philosophy is known as "Jeet Kune Do" or "The Way of the Intercepting fist". Defense is also probably the most improtant for women as it can help them in situations of rape. Men and women alike should be trained in some form of Defense early on in their lives, especialy as the world grows more and more violent, we are being threaten but why should we play the victim, why not make the predator the prey. One Final word, the Defense part of Martial Arts is in my opinion the Disciplined side as well above all others, you are not going to eye gouge your wife, son, best friend unless they are trying to harm you, so its used for life and death only.

Now the most popular part of Martial Arts is the Sport side. WIth the rise of MIxed Martial Arts and the UFC, now more then ever people are learning about this wonderful way of life and all the benefits of it. YOu can train technique, and stay healthy while doing so. Many make a living off of Martial Arts as a sport, and its still dangerous and still a combative tool. you can use most techniques in sports fighting in real life situations.

I have no idea what you will take from this but hopefully you enjoyed this rant, lol its late and I am tired.
Dueces magooses

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